1) Log In: [] [DEFAULTS - username: admin , password: admin]

2) Click on the 'Management' tab:

3) Click on the backup settings and save this file. This config.xml file is snapshot of your current settings. You can use this snapshot to restore settings of your router.
Along with this config.xml file you should store your current admin password[], current name of the wifi network and password for this wifi network.

To capture all this information you can use following template for naming backup-file.
<Name_of_wifi>_<password for admin>_<password for wifi>.xml
e.g. TC-45G_admin_default

So when you restore settings of router, you know that you should connect to network "TC-45G" using password as "default" and for configuration you should use [] "admin" as a password.

I will suggest you to disable mac address filtering before taking backup.

    Disable Mac Address filtering:      1) Click on the advanced tab.

     2) Click on Mac Filtering, and disable Access Control Mode.


1) Log in to using current password.

2) Click on management.

3) In the section system update settings-> "choose file" and select you backup file.
    Say update settings.
    This will reboot you router, and restore settings from selected snapshot. Now you can use your old      password to connect to this router.